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Showing posts from August, 2006
Wish u all a happy Independence Day.. just happened to see the advt of some programs telecast for independence day... have some doubts.. would somebody take pains to make these clear to this innocent fellow 1. what is the relation between independence and Namitha... 2. what is the relation between cine programs and the spirit of independence.. awaiting clarifications...
I'm Back This is my post after a gap of about a month. Been busy with fixes and IR's :(.. Unavoidabble, since this is the job that provides for my bread and butter[ rather iddly and sambar]... Of late, I've been affected by the conflict and death tolls in Lebanon...A couple of questions have been plaguging me for some time since this recent fight erupted.. 1. why should Lebanon harbour terrorists..? 2. why should Isreal continue strikes that cause lot of collateral damages..? 3. if this is acceptable to the world, then why don't we, follow suit and eliminate terrorists?? Pls let me know your opinions... Till then.. Oh! God....let the world be a safer place than what it is today...