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The Conflicts

I have been thinking about the renewed fighting between the Tigers and the Srilankan Army and the unnecessary loss of civilian lives. This conflict made me read some more on other hotspots around the world and this is what I came up with

1. The Palestine
2. Srilanka
3. Kashmir
4. Ireland

If we observe, we can see that the British were involved in all of the above problems..

They created Israel in 1948 and started [1]. They divided India/Paksistan and then left Kashmir independent [2]. They were ruling Srilanka and they didnt do anything about the ethnic problem [3] and [4] is their own backyard.

I am not for armed struggle and not for dividing a country on ethnic lines,but the British could have done something better atleast in case of [1] and [3]. Let me conclude on an optimistic tone. 'LET THERE BE PEACE LEST THE WORLD GOES TO PIECES'


Hameeduddin said…
I am sure that in a few years down the line the American would beat the british hands down in the matter of 'conflicts started'
Ramanan said…
@Shah of blah

yep.. you are right (as usual). been thinking abt the conflicts and we could always find british there.This was the story in the twentieth century, when the British Empire was ruling(the first half and later when it began to fall apart). Even now,US is not a colonial power but a power hungry one. So, I think, we can safely conclude that "POWER BROKERS START CONFLICTS"

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