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Star shining...

Scene 1
Before the II Round match between Spain and France

Spain : We will retire Zidane...

France: We have zidane.

Scene 2
After the First Match

Zidane's Foot : Spain... I am ur pain ...

Result. France wins 3-1.

It is a mark of arrogance when spain declared that they will retire Zidane. We can be confident but never speak in a manner that will hurt others. This is a classic tale where their supreme confidence did them out of the tournament. When they started the score, they were so happy and when Rebery netted his first goal, they started to panic and when vierra headed, they folded and finally the master delivering his finishing touch.. he did it rather than speak abt it...

Best wishes to Brazil and France


Hi Ramana

are u the one who asked for Johnny (oru code word for identifying u ;))

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